News Publications

23 May 2024
José Luís da Cruz Vilaça in CAPDC Conference

On May 21, 2024, José Luís da Cruz Vilaça, managing partner of CVA, took part in the conference "20 Anos da ADC, 15 Anos do CAPDC: Que Balanço da Aplicação do Direito da Concorrência em Portugal?", organised by the Circle of Portuguese Competition Lawyers (CAPDC), in conjunction with the Portuguese Competition Authority. The aim of this conference was to debate some of the issues that mark the daily lives of the main players in this area of the law.

José Luís da Cruz Vilaça chaired the third panel entitled "Reflexão sobre a arquitetura institucional: uma oportunidade de reforma?, which dealt with effective judicial protection, specialised jurisdiction, the location of the Competition, Regulation and Supervision Court (TCRS), the single judge and the lack of appeal on matters of fact.

At this conference, José Luís da Cruz Vilaça emphasised the urgency of reforming the TCRS and competition law in general to adapt to the new digital challenges. In his words, "the technical and economic conditions of the activities to which competition law is directed have changed profoundly and, above all, at a dizzying speed: the development of the digital economy and the emergence of large gatekeeper platforms; new forms of sharing economy; concerns about data protection and privacy; increased attention to environmental concerns; the energy transition; and now the great unknown of AI, with its infinite potential still unfolding and the risks associated with it."

José Luís da Cruz Vilaça in CAPDC Conference

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